It’s easy to take existing customers for granted. They tend to fly a little below your radar. They’re usually repeat purchasers and are generally happy, if not vocally ecstatic, with your company....

It’s easy to take existing customers for granted. They tend to fly a little below your radar. They’re usually repeat purchasers and are generally happy, if not vocally ecstatic, with your company....
White papers are still a valuable part of the B2B content marketing mix as an essential source of information on technology and business. We have put together 12 tips to ensure that your white paper...
In the second in our series on thought leadership, we look at what stops companies from being a thought leader and what can help them start their journey. In our previous post, we discussed the need...
You’ve done your research and got your technology and business plan/finance together. You know you have a unique solution that will make a positive difference to the industries you are focused on....
A successful enterprise technology purchase is “one that meets the expectations of stakeholders in delivering against the use cases for which it was bought,” according to Gartner. But with buyers’...
People read online content in different ways: the F-Shape, the layer cake, the spotted pattern, the marking pattern. We read on different devices with different form factors and different-sized...
People are buying differently today, such as tapping their social media network for recommendations and reading expert reviews online. This has forced marketers to look at new ways of engaging with...
As much as 44% of a company’s market value can be attributed to the reputation of an organization’s CEO. However, not every company has recognized the potential of their CEO and other top executives...
Account-based marketing is growing in popularity in the business-to-business (B2B) tech industry, as vendors and service providers look to target their sales and marketing efforts more accurately....
Over the 15 years that we have been helping tech businesses with marketing content, vertical marketing is a theme that comes and goes regularly. However, marketing is only one part of a vertical...
By transforming a simple content list into a content audit, you gain a really powerful tool in understanding how your website ticks and what content hooks in an audience and what is left out to dry....
Steve Jobs taught us that simplicity is complicated. The digital transformation of everything means that everything will become more complex, even as it becomes more efficient. Yet at this stage of...
When approaching any new marketing project there are all kinds of things you need to organize. The campaign strategy, desired goals, people involved and the tactics you intend to use to get you...
Content marketing is more than just creating free content – be it words, videos, animation or audio – it is about giving something valuable, educational and entertaining to your audience in order to...
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