the new workspace – infographic for Orange
Here’s another masterpiece by Futurity for our friends at Orange Business Services. The infographic explores the role that collaborative and mobile technologies play in allowing workers to be unshackled from their desks. The age of anytime, anywhere computing (and apologies for the similarity to Everything Everywhere) is almost upon us. Cloud, abundant data, really powerful edge devices (iPhones, iPads etc) are helping to break down corporate walls. And as we become more and more accustomed to conducting our business relationships through IM, audio conference calls, email, Twitter and even telepresence sessions, the idea of “working together” changes. You don’t need to be at a pod desk underneath a flickering fluorescent light. Your workspace is your business.
The infographic first appeared on the Orange blog Enterprising Business (which we also write for). We’ve produced it in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
Not satisfied? You can also check out the slidedeck.