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BlogBus: who, why, where, when, what and how

Sep 16, 2012 | Insights

Author: Anthony Plewes

Well, the day has arrived. After many months’ of planning, thousands of phone calls and emails, the Orange Blogger Bus Tour 2012 is underway.

Our team of guest bloggers arrives in San Francisco today, hailing from all over the world. They’re ready and eagre to find out just what makes this place tick and if they can spot the next Facebook.

And what a tour it promises to be. Orange, eCairn and Futurity Media have worked hard to bring together a diverse cross-section of international technology bloggers.

Coming along with us are great writers and technology enthusiasts from around the world, from as far afield as Australia, Romania, China, France and the UK. Some of our bloggers have already been writing about the tour and how much they are looking forward to it – you can check out comments here, from the likes of Joanne Jacobs, Gang Lu, Alexandre Delivet, Dr Sue Black and Orange tour patron, Yann Gourvennec.

Other top independent bloggers joining the tour are Eric Dupin, Xavier de Mazenod, Julien Fourgeaud, Timothee de Laitre, Adrian Gabor.

The Futurity team – Stewart Baines, Glenn Le Santo and Steve Harris – began working on the Orange Blogger Bus Tour 2012 six months ago, following the success of a similar Orange blog tour at Mobile World Congress in 2012. At MWC we had all the world’s hottest companies all in one expo – so in the spirit of thinking differently, we decided that this September we’d take the bloggers on the road and go and meet companies on their own turf.

So we set about contacting the coolest, most innovative start-ups and tech companies in the Bay Area and Valley and asking if we could drop in, talk to them and then write about them. We’re going to visit some fantastic companies. On the agenda so far are, Swipp, Trend Micro, Adobe and Orange Labs themselves. We’ll be dropping in to speak to some of the area’s leading incubators and accelerators, including Rocket Space, Plug and Play Tech Center and VLAB.

One of the main focus areas of the tour is on mobile and social, and how smart companies are creating new tools to make people’s lives easier on the move. So we’re also going to see social companies like Flipboard, Socialcam, Foursquare, Eventbrite and Tactilize. Our team can also expect to hear the latest in gaming technologies from specialists including Badgeville and Kwarter, while Metaio will be telling us all about their augmented reality work and their AR browser, junaio.

In the course of meeting forty or fifty of the brightest startups we hope we go away with a feel for what makes the Valley and Bay Area tick in 2012, how the culture has changed over the past couple of years and what sort of philosophies successful companies are working to these days. What begins in the Valley and Bay Area is often replicated by technology companies around the world, so it’s as important as ever to understand the way companies work there.

To finish the week off we’ll be indulging in a bit of American culture and taking the team to a baseball game, the San Francisco Giants versus the San Diego Padres. After a hard but fun week’s blogging I suspect it will be cold beers and large hotdogs all round.

I’ll be putting some thoughts up here on the Futurity Media blog throughout the week and keeping a diary of the tour’s events.


Anthony Plewes

With a background in IT journalism and analysis, Anthony has been writing about technology for almost 30 years. As part of Futurity Media, he has been helping vendors and service providers communicate their proposition clearly to customers for a couple of decades. He is also a keen scuba diver, hill walker and cyclist.

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